What is Kipu Explorer? 🤔

The volunteer program "Kipu Explorer" focuses on being a volunteer for ETH Kipu for a period of three months. You can apply as a volunteer in any of the available areas within the registration form.

Objective 🎯

The volunteer program "Kipu Explorer" aims to involve volunteers in the world of Ethereum and promote their active participation in the ETH Kipu organization. Over a period of three months, volunteers will have the opportunity to explore and learn about Ethereum, contribute to the work of ETH Kipu, and achieve specific goals assigned to them.

Duration ⏱️

"Kipu Explorer" will have a duration of three months.

What are the benefits of being selected for Kipu Explorer? 🤝

Responsibilities of selected volunteers ⚠️

  1. Fulfill assigned tasks and goals within established deadlines.
  2. Actively participate in ETH Kipu's activities and projects.
  3. Maintain regular communication with the ETH Kipu team and provide updates on the progress of assigned tasks.
  4. Respect the values and principles of ETH Kipu, including the code of ethics and teamwork.

Certification 🧑‍🎓

Upon successful completion of the "Kipu Explorer" volunteer program and meeting the assigned goals, a certificate of participation will be granted to each volunteer. This certificate will serve as a recognition of dedication and achievement during the program.

How to apply? 💻

If you want to be part of Kipu Explorers, you must apply through the following link.