Our DNA: Education & Community Builders 🌎

How to communicate ETH KIPU 📝

  1. No one owns ETH KIPU, it is constantly being built by the entire community. No one can claim ownership of ETH KIPU.
  2. The message we want to convey is to learn about Web 3 and Ethereum from the basics without any prior knowledge.
  3. The actions carried out under ETH KIPU are designed so that everyone can attend and no one is left out. anyone who shares the values and respects the ETH KIPU code of conduct can join.
  4. When communicating about ETH KIPU you should always mention ETH KIPU's official networks and not provide more information than what is already posted on those networks.
  5. It is incorrect to use the name of ETH KIPU for promotion or personal benefit, always the communication mentioning ETH KIPU must be in pursuit of transmitting the objectives of the community, previously developed, to each particular audience.
  6. It is not correct to mention ETH KIPU in communications that are not directly related to actions carried out by the brand.
  7. It is not correct to advertise content related to ETH KIPU outside of that executed through our official communication networks managed by ETH KIPU's own team.
  8. ETH KIPU should not be promoted by brands, projects, or protocols that are not part of the organization or sponsorship of the community.
  9. Communication must always make ETH KIPU, its objective and other points previously communicated by the official networks visible.
  10. There is an ETH KIPU communication team ready to help you if you want to communicate and disseminate ETH KIPU's values and principles, as well as make mention of the community itself. We are available to help you, just send an email to [email protected] or contact us through our official channels.

Why is Ethereum a key player? ⚽️

Ethereum is the most fertile network for the creation of a fairer financial system. Today, billions of people cannot open bank accounts, others have their payments blocked. Ethereum's decentralized finance system (DeFi) never sleeps or discriminates. Just with an internet connection, people can send, receive, take a loan, earn interest, and even transfer funds without intermediaries anywhere in the world.

Today we gain access to "free" internet services in exchange for giving up control of our personal information. Ethereum services are open by default; all you need is a wallet. These are free and easy to set up, controlled only by their owner, and operate without any personal information.