🧭 Mission

Support the Ethereum ecosystem in Latin America with open source and free education, guidance to communities, and promoting values of decentralization, inclusion, transparency and security to improve human coordination

🔍 Vision

Our vision is to help build a more just and sustainable Latin America, where everyone can access equitable financial services and economic opportunities. We want to be a leader in developing and promoting Ethereum-based technology solutions to achieve this goal, working in collaboration with partners to ensure a responsible and secure blockchain ecosystem.

⚖️ Values


Decentralization is a key value that drives Ethereum technology and its underlying. From ETH KIPU we make decentralization our own by applying transparency beyond the blockchain in our human relationships and democratizing decision-making.

Censorship Resistance

In a censorship-resistant system, all users have equal access and control over the system, and no entity can unilaterally control or manipulate information or transactions on the network.

At ETH KIPU we advocate freedom in the flow of information or actions. At the same time we believe that free access and inclusion in a socially fair financial system, hand in hand with Ethereum, is key for the development of LATAM.


We value cooperation and teamwork, recognizing that financial and social inclusion is a complex issue requiring multiple actors' commitment.


Privacy is an important value for us, as we advocate for the protection of the personal and confidential information of our collaborators.

Credible Neutrality

We are committed to maintaining a neutral and objective position when making decisions. Neutrality implies a constant search for fairness, justice and bias that may influence our decisions or actions.


We seek to empower people and communities, recognizing that financial and social inclusion is best achieved when people are involved and empowered to make informed decisions.

Financial Inclusion

Financial inclusion is a key value for ETH KIPU. The financial inclusion we pursue must ensure that all people have access to fair and accessible financial services, regardless of their socioeconomic background, gender, origin, religion, or other personal characteristics.